Safety measures in Relocation Services during Corona Virus pandemic

Safety measures in Relocation Services during Corona Virus pandemic

Dear Patron, 


These are unprecedented times that have dramatically changed our daily lives. While the uncertainty can be unsettling, I believe we will get through this together and emerge stronger.

We at Ace Relocations™ recognize there is great responsibility in delivering your personal belongings and your Car to our nearly 250 locations who use our service across the country. At Ace Relocations™, Never has it been more important than safe and reliable service is at the forefront for us. Ace Relocations™ has always been committed to the mission of creating trusted service– and our resolve is even stronger today. As we navigate through this new normal we find ourselves in, rest assured that you can always expect credible and trusted service across the Country.

That’s why we are doubling down on our focus on hygiene within our communities and have a positive impact on society during this challenging time. We have created a coronavirus checklist, across the offices for personal hygiene and awareness for deadly infection. AtAce Relocations™ ( all offices and Associates), that includes the fumigation of Packing Material, Educating the staff (Field and at Office) about the pandemic across the globe, to keep our users worry-free for any Kind of Infections.

Communities are core to the wellness of our society. We know these are trying times for many of us, so we are also producing more mental health-focused notices across branches and associates. Support those that may be experiencing increased levels of anxiety and depression. As well, we are developing content that provides resources and tips on how to stay healthy mentally, physically and emotionally.

These are no doubt stressful times, but I hope through a sense of community we can not only survive but come out of this with more connection and support for each other. It reminds me of a great African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Deaths Due to Covid-19, Are the following numbers frightening?
Lately, We at Ace Relocations™ had been talking to our clients to ease them from anxiety due to lockdown situation.

We understand that their jobs and promotions take them from one location to another in India. And we are always there to pack and Move their personal belongings from origin to their destinations, along with their Car and Other vehicles.

But in this grim situation their promotions/ their relocations, everything seems to be held up and don’t know when this lockdown situation is going to end nobody knows and hence this is resulting in such anxiety and depression.

Meanwhile, we came across the above table, which could understand the ground reality that COVID 19 Virus is rather new to humans and we are yet to see the devastating consequences of the same.

It started in mid-January of 2020 in china and till today the toll is about 211K worldwide but In India, it is Just 937 so far and it’s not really frightening we can say the situation is in control. When we comparatively look at it with a total population in India.

We at Ace Relocations™believe that situation is going to be in control very soon In India under the supervision/ guidance of Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi.

#Covid19 #Indiaagainstcorona #Ahmedabad #AceRelocations #PackersandMovers #Bestpackersandmovers


Be well and stay safe.

Ace Relocations™

Contact No: +91-98252-19378

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